Getting Started

When embarking on a data management project there is some set up and potential staff training involved.

Co-op Support recommends starting with the following:

  1. Determine what data should be collected.

    1. This includes data that must be collected, that could be collected, and data that shouldn’t be collected.
  2. Document what data should be collected and what values should be used for things like patron profiles, circulation modifiers, etc.
  3. In Evergreen set up templates and customizations to aid in consistent data collection.
  4. Set up recurring reports in Evergreen to report out on things that should be checked on a regular basis.
  5. Ensure applicable staff know how to use the interfaces in Evergreen designed to track potential issues such as Hopeless Holds and the Transit List.
  6. Ensure your staff know your policies and procedures for handling your data.

It’s very easy to pick the wrong circulation modifier or patron profile or statistical category value by accident; having policies, procedures, templates, and recurring reports in place with staff aware of them should help significantly to cut down on future incorrect or missing data.

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