Co-op Support recommends posting a message on your website to alert patrons to the current situation. If you use LibPress for your website Co-op Support can update it for you if you don’t have easy access to do so yourself.
Sample text for your website that you can modify to suit your emergency situation.
The YOUR LIBRARY is temporarily closed due to X. Holds and interlibrary loan requests cannot be placed at this time. Due dates for your items have been extended and fines will not be charged. Please do not return items to the library. While we're closed our digital library remains available LINK TO APPLICABLE RESOURCES. Thank you for keeping the library items at home until further notice.
Co-op Support also recommends a banner on your public catalogue. For libraries using Evergreen’s public catalogue Co-op Support can add the banner for you. Libraries using a discovery layer may need to contact their vendor for assistance.
Sample text for your banner that you can modify to suit your emergency situation.
The YOUR LIBRARY is temporarily closed. For more information see our website (this is a link to your website). While we're closed our digital library remains available LINK TO APPLICABLE RESOURCES. Please keep the library items at home until further notice.
If the closure is going to be a long closure Co-op Support can also turn off email notifications for courtesy and overdue notices to ensure your patrons don’t receive them while the library is closed.
When you have a re-opening date for your library Co-op Support can set up a temporary additional courtesy notice to go out more than 3 days before the item is due and include information about when the library is re-opening and how patrons should handle returns. For example, we can set up a courtesy notice to go out 7 days ahead of the due date with information that the library will be re-opening on X date for these hours and that patrons can start returning items to the drop box or in the library on or after that date.