Granting Acquisitions Permissions

Users with the Acquisitions Administrator permissions can grant the Basic Selector, Advanced Selector or Purchaser permission to other staff accounts. The Acquisitions Administrator permissions can only be granted by Co-op Support.

Grant Acquisitions Permissions

  1. Open the account of the user you wish to grant acquisitions permissions to.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Click Secondary Groups
  4. From the drop down menu select one of the Acq Supplementary Perm Groups (Basic Selector, Advanced Selector or Purchaser).

    Acq Supplementary Perm Groups
  5. Click Add.
  6. Click Apply Changes in the pop-up.
  7. You do not need click Save in the patron account.

Remove Acquisitions Permissions

  1. Open the account of the user you wish to remove acquisitions permissions from.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Click Secondary Groups
  4. Click Delete beside the permission group you would like to remove.
  5. Click Apply Changes in the pop-up.
  6. You do not need click Save in the patron account.


Acquisitions permissions groups only function as secondary groups. If an acquisitions permission group is set as a user’s Main (Profile) Permission Group, that user will be unable to login to Evergreen.

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