Cataloguing Standards

Bibliographic Records
Non-Bibliographic Records
Subject Headings
Classification Systems
Cataloguing Training

All staff performing cataloguing functions in Sitka’s Evergreen are expected to follow the same cataloguing standards when working with records.

Bibliographic Records

Cataloguers are expected to follow cataloguing standards when creating new bibliographic records or editing existing bibliographic records in Sitka’s Evergreen.

New bibliographic records should follow current RDA and MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data/ Normes MARC 21 standards.


Older records in the catalogue may follow AACR2 standards, rather than RDA, depending on when they were originally catalogued.

To minimize duplication of records, when an existing AACR2 record is already in the Sitka database for the title being catalogued cataloguers should attach their holdings to it rather than importing a new RDA record.

Policies for Sitka’s requirements for a minimum record and what constitutes a good record are found the section called “The Bibliographic Record”.

Non-Bibliographic Records

Cataloguers may create records for non-bibliographic items. It is recommended that cataloguers generally follow cataloguing standards when creating these records (i.e. enter a name for the item in the 245 title field) but these records do not need to meet the same standards as bibliographic records.

Libraries should create their own non-bibliographic records rather than attaching to existing ones from other libraries unless they are working with a shared collection.

Instructions for creating non-bibliographic records can be found in Sitka’s Evergreen Documentation in the section called Creating New Records for Non-Bibliographic Resources.

Subject Headings

When assigning subject headings libraries should use terms from an official thesaurus such as Library of Congress Subject Headings, LC Subject headings for children’s literature, Medical Subject Headings, Canadian Subject Headings, and Répertoire de vedettes-matière.


The thesaurus used for a subject heading is specified by the value entered for the second indicator in the 6XX field of the MARC record. When the value of the second indicator is 7 the thesaurus used is specified by a subject source code in the $2 of the 6XX field.

Subject headings not included in official thesauri are considered local subject headings and must be entered as such in Sitka’s Evergreen.

Local Subject Headings

Local subject headings are used when the official subject headings are not sufficient to describe the title being catalogued. This is often the case with materials that are specific to an area or use a local term.

Cataloguers may create and include local subject headings in bibliographic records. Local subject headings MUST be entered into a 69X MARC field and include a $5 with the library’s code.

Sitka Subject Headings

The Sitka team is working with member libraries to identify and remove harmful subject headings from the Sitka catalogue. Many of these subject headings are still in the official thesauri. A list of subject headings removed so far and their replacements can be viewed in this spreadsheet.

Where subject headings have been replaced through the work of the Co-op and the Cataloguing Working Group the MARC field will have a $2SITKALIST to indicate that the subject heading is coming from the official Sitka list of subject headings. These subject headings are considered official headings, rather than local, and will be found in the 6XX fields rather than the 69X fields.

When working with records where the Sitka subject headings apply, cataloguers should:

  • NOT remove the Sitka subject headings and associated coding
  • NOT add the harmful subject heading
  • add the new subject headings to relevant bibliographic records

Classification Systems

While bibliographic records are shared within Sitka’s Evergreen, call number and item records are not. Libraries are free to use whatever classification system(s) meets their needs for their call numbers.

Libraries should enter local call numbers through the holdings editor, and not into the bibliographic record.

Instructions for using the holdings editor can be found in Sitka’s Evergreen Documentation in the section called Holdings Editor.

Cataloguing Training

The BC Libraries Cooperative provides resources and continuing training on how to catalogue in relation to Sitka’s Evergreen. We do not provide training in cataloguing standards.

If library staff need basic or advanced cataloguing training on RDA, MARC coding, subject analysis, and/or classification we encourage you to look at the programs offered by the library schools, training offered through library associations, and online cataloguing resources.

Copyright © 2008-2018, BC Libraries Cooperative