Circulation Notifications

Check Out Receipts
Autorenew Notification
Emergency Closing Notification

Check Out Receipts

Patrons have the option to receive their check out receipt via email. This receipt is set globally and cannot be customized.

The Evergreen self check can also send a check out receipt via email. This receipt is also set globally and cannot be customized.

Autorenew Notification

Libraries that allow Evergreen to autorenew their items can also have Evergreen send an email notification to inform patrons whether or not their item(s) were successfully auto renewed.

To customize the wording of the notification or set up the autorenew process please contact Co-op Support.

Emergency Closing Notification

When the emergency closing function in the Closed Dates Editor is used to extend existing due dates Evergreen will send out an email notification to let your patrons know that their due dates have changed.

This notification is set globally and cannot be customized.

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