Overdue Notifications

Email Overdue Notifications
Paper Overdue Notices
Overdue Notifications by Phone
Overdue Mark Lost Notification

Overdue notifications are available via email and paper. Library staff can also run reports to generate a list of patrons to manually phone.

Email Overdue Notifications

Overdue notifications can be sent via email at intervals desired by the library. The standard intervals are 7 and 14 days after an item is due but this can be customized.

To customize the wording or the interval of the notifications please contact Co-op Support.

Paper Overdue Notices

Evergreen can generate a PDF file of overdue notices which is then emailed to the library to be printed and distributed to patrons.

These notices are created and emailed daily. An email with an empty PDF file means that there are no items for that day that meet the criteria to have a paper overdue notice generated. If you do not receive the daily email with the PDF file please contact Co-op Support as this means that paper overdues are not generating as expected.

Paper overdues can be generated at the following intervals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 weeks after the item becomes due. The intervals define when a second, third, or fourth, and so on, letter is sent out.

Paper overdues at 1 and 2 weeks overdue are generated for only for patrons without email addresses in their account. From the 3 weeks onwards the notices are generated for all applicable patrons.

The final paper overdue notice, at the interval of your choosing, can be set up as a billing notice and can include the item replacement cost and applicable processing fees. The replacement cost comes from the Price item attribute; if this attribute is blank the value set for the library setting Default Item Price is used instead. The processing fee uses the value from the library setting Lost Materials Processing Fee.

To set up paper overdues for your library, update your existing notices, or update the email address the PDF file is sent to please contact Co-op Support.

Overdue Notifications by Phone

In some circumstances staff may wish to manually contact patrons with overdue items via the phone.

You can use the report template Overdues Within Time Span -Phone List for Patrons without Email (based on Checkout Library) to generate a list of patrons with overdue items in the timeframe you specify that do not have an email address on file.

You can also use the report template Overdues Within Time Span - General (Based on Checkout Library) to generate a list of all patrons with overdue items in the timeframe you specify.

Both of these report template can be found under Shared Folders → Sitka_templates → Circulation → Overdue and others. These reports can be run as a one off or set up as a recurring report which emails the report to the specified staff email.

Overdue Mark Lost Notification

Evergreen can automatically mark items as lost that have been overdue for a specfied period of time. When this process runs the item is set the status of lost and a lost bill is applied to the patron’s account. The bill includes the item’s replacement cost from the Price item attribute, if this attribute is blank the value set for the library setting Default Item Price is used instead, and a processing fee from the value in the library setting Lost Materials Processing Fee.

When enabled the Overdue Mark Lost notification is sent via email to patrons when Evergreen automatically marks an item as lost. This notification is not sent when staff manually mark an item as lost.

If you use paper overdues you may to have this set up so that items are marked lost in tandem with a paper overdue billing notice being generated.

To customize the wording of the notification or set up the automatic to lost process please contact Co-op Support.

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