Patron Account Related Notifications

Welcome to New Patron Notification
Patron Account Expiration Notification
Fine Limit Exceeded Notification
Test Notification
Password Reset Notification

Welcome to New Patron Notification

An email notification can be sent to patrons after you register them in Evergreen. The notification welcomes them to the library and can include any information you feel is relevant for your new patron. If the patron receives the email it is also a confirmation that the email address in their account is correct.

These notifications are sent for patrons that are automatically loaded into Evergreen from another source, such as a post-secondary’s registrar’s office.

By default the notification is sent within 2 minutes of the account being created. To customize the wording or the time frame of the notification please contact Co-op Support.

Patron Account Expiration Notification

An email notification can be sent to patrons to warn them their library account is about to expire. This is intended to give patrons time to renew their account before they lose access to library services and may be especially useful for patrons who use primarily use electronic resources.

By default the notification is sent 30 days before the patron’s account expires. To customize the wording or the time frame of the notification please contact Co-op Support.

Fine Limit Exceeded Notification

An email notification can be sent to patrons when they reach the fine limit set in your Group Penalty Thresholds. When a patron exceeed the fine limit they are blocked from renewing items and checking out new items so can be useful to alert patrons before they come into the library.

To customize the wording of the notification please contact Co-op Support.

Test Notification

Library staff and patrons can initiate test email and test SMS text messages to confirm the information in the patron’s account is correct. These test notifications are sent after a 1 minute delay. The notifications are set globally so the wording and delay cannot be customized.

Password Reset Notification

Through the public catalogue patrons and staff can initiate a password reset for their account. As part of this process an email notification is sent to the user within minutes. The notification is set globally so the wording and delay cannot be customized.

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