Enhanced MARC Editor

Leader and 008 Field Grid
Help and Additional Options
MARC Record
Physical Characteristics Wizard
Authorities Linker

The Enhanced MARC Editor is used when working with MARC records. Information from the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data has been built into the enhanced editor to assist cataloguers; however, cataloguers should refer to MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data/ Normes MARC 21 for more information as needed.

The Enhanced MARC Editor can be divided into five parts:

  1. Leader and 008 Field Grid
  2. Help and Additional Options
  3. MARC Record
  4. Physical Characteristics Wizard - only present when the record includes an 007 field
  5. Authorities Linker - not currently used by Sitka

Leader and 008 Field Grid

Specific characters of the Leader and 008 field can be updated using the Leader and 008 Field Grid. This enables cataloguers to easily update specific values without having to count out the field characters.

  • Values can be edited directly in the grid boxes.
  • Right-clicking in most boxes will display a list of the possible values as per MARC21.
  • A table giving the names and character positions for the abbreviations used by Evergreen can be found in Appendix B, Character Codes for Leader and 008 Field Grid.
  • Changing the values of certain boxes, such as Type and BLvl, changes the type of material that is being described. In some cases this means that the meaning of the characters of the 008 changes. The grid will change to display the fields relevant to the material.

    • There is currently a bug where the grid doesn’t automatically update. If you change the value of the Type and/or BLvl fields you must save the MARC record and reload it in a new tab to see the updated grid.


The search filters and format icons in the public catalogue rely on accurate coding in the Leader, 007 and 008 fields. Please see the format filter and icon specifications for Sitka’s Evergreen in the section called “Search Filters and Format Icons”.

Help and Additional Options

  • When the Help button is clicked, a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used to edit the MARC record display.
  • The Validate button is a function of authorities which are not currently used in Sitka’s Evergreen.
  • The Undo and Redo buttons can be used to undo and redo changes that haven’t been saved yet. The number of changes that can be undone or redone will display on the buttons.
  • When the Stack Subfields checkbox is checked, the subfields in the MARC record display stacked vertically on separate lines from the field numbers, instead of each field displaying with all subfields horizontally.

MARC Record

Fields in the MARC Record can be edited by clicking into the boxes you wish to edit and making your changes. A number of options are available by right-clicking into boxes which will aid cataloguers in entering correct MARC coding.

  • Right-clicking in the MARC tag boxes will provide options for adding and removing fields. This includes adding 006, 007, and 008 control fields.

  • Right-clicking in the MARC tag boxes will list potential fields that can be added. This is a partial list; cataloguers should refer to MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data/ Normes MARC 21 for a comprehensive list.

  • Right-clicking in the first or second indicator boxes will list the possible values for the indicator as per MARC 21.

  • Right-clicking in a subfield box will list the possible subfield values for the particular field as per MARC 21.


Physical Characteristics Wizard

Sitka Snippet Video - Physical Characteristics Wizard (3:52)

Cataoguers can easily edit and create 007 fields using the Physical Characteristics Wizard.


The search filters and format icons in the public catalogue rely on accurate coding in the Leader, 007 and 008 fields. Please see the format filter and icon specifications for Sitka’s Evergreen in the section called “Search Filters and Format Icons”.

As a cataloguer navigates through the wizard, each position will display its corresponding label that describes the significance of that position. Each position contains a selection of drop down choices that list the possible values for that particular position. When the cataloguer makes a selection from the drop down options, the value for that position will also change. Cataloguers should refer to MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data/ Normes MARC 21 for more information as needed.

  1. In the Enhanced MARC Edtor, click the blue icon to the right of the 007 field. See the section called “MARC Record” if the record doesn’t already have a 007 field.

  2. The Physical Characteristics Wizard will open.


    The first value defines the Category of Material. The choices within the remaining character positions will be appropriate for the Category of Material selected.

  3. Select the Category of Material for the given record by choosing an option from the Category of Material drop down menu.
  4. Once the Category of Material is selected, click Next.
  5. Evergreen will display the result of each selection in the preview above. The character of your current position will be in red.

  6. Use the Previous or Next buttons, navigate through the various positions in the 007 field.
  7. Once the you have entered all of the applicable values click Apply.

  8. All of the values selected will be stored and displayed within the 007 field of the bibliographic record.

  9. Continue editing the MARC record, as needed. When finished, click Save Changes.

Authorities Linker

Name and subject fields include a link button for authorities. This functionality is not currently used in Sitka’s Evergreen and so this button should not be used.


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