In My Account click X Holds / X Ready → Items on Hold to display a list of items you have on hold.
You can sort the list by Title, Author, and Format by clicking on the blue text. The first click sorts the list in ascending order and a second click sorts the list in descending order.
You can use the checkbox beside each hold to select the hold and use the buttons to suspend, activate, or cancel the selected holds. You may set an activation date when you suspend your hold or leave the date blank and manually activate it later. A suspended hold will not lose its hold queue position.
The Status column shows whether or not your hold is currently available for pickup, if it has been suspended, and what your position is in the hold queue.
Your position in the hold queue is indicated by the first number in the status column. For example "Hold #3 on 1 copy" indicates you are third in the hold queue.
Clicking the Edit button will bring you to the hold editing screen. Here you can:
In My Account click X Holds / X Ready → Holds History to display a list of items that you have previously had on hold. History displays from the date you enabled it; holds placed prior will not be included in your history.
Holds history will only display if it has been enabled in your Search and History Preferences.