Funds should be created for every budget you wish to track. For some libraries this may be a fund per individual collection; other libraries may only use one fund for all purchasing. Libraries may want to create funds specifically for non-bibliographic purchases, such as processing supplies, or for other charges such as charges for MARC records.
Multi-branch libraries may have a single set of funds for their entire system, a set of funds for each branch, or may use a combination of funds at the branch and system levels.
Funds should be created when your library first starts using acquisitions and when you want to track a new budget. Funds for subsequent fiscal years are created automatically by Evergreen during the year end processes.
Select the Funds tab.
Click New Fund.
Create a unique code for the fund.
The fund owner will default to your workstation.
Optionally, enter a Balance Stop Percent. The balance stop percent prevents you from making purchases when only a specified amount of the fund remains. For example, if you want the fund to stop purchases after 95% of the fund has been spent, then you would enter 95 in the field. When the fund reaches its balance stop percent, it will appear in red when you apply funds to line items.
Optionally, enter a balance warning percent. The balance warning percent gives you a warning that the fund is low. You can specify any percent. For example, if you want to be warned when 50% of the fund has been spent, then you would enter 50 in the field. When the fund reaches its balance warning percent, it will appear in yellow when you apply funds to line items.
Click Save.
Never edit the currency of an active in-use fund.
You also cannot edit the the balance of your fund through the Edit function. A fund’s balance must be adjusted by allocating monies to the fund or transferring monies to another fund.
Make your changes and click Save.
If you load vendor records make sure you let your vendors know about any changes you make to fund codes that are used in their templates. If the fund code doesn’t match between Evergreen and the $f in the templates your MARC records will not load.
From the Actions menu select Delete Selected.
A fund can only be deleted if no credit has been allocated to it.
Sitka Training Video - Allocate Money to Funds (2:22)
To allocate credits using the Fund Tab:
Select the Funds tab.
Click Create Allocation.
Click Save.
The credits that you allocate to funds can be transferred between funds if desired. The system tracks these transfers.
Select the Funds tab.
Click Transfer Money.
Click Transfer.
The Fund Details screen allows you to track a fund’s balance, encumbrances, and amount spent.
Select the Funds tab.
Click the hyper linked name of the fund. The Fund Details screen will appear.
Summary - The summary tab allows you to track the following:
Tags - The Tags tab allows you to add and delete fund tags. See the section called “Fund Tags”.