Bibliographic records for physical and electronic resources can be batch loaded using files of MARC records from vendors. Batch loading is done by Co-op Support and library cataloguing staff.
Libraries should ensure vendors are supplying them with RDA records and, when needed, advocate for records that follow cataloguing standards and include the minimum required information for Sitka’s Evergreen.
Co-op Support currently loads the following for Sitka libraries:
Records for Physical Items
For information about on order and full records from ULS and Whitehots please refer to Enhanced On Order Records and Shelf Ready Items.
Records for e-resources
To opt in to BC Open Textbooks please contact Co-op Support.
Co-op Support and library cataloguing staff batch load vendor files for products that libraries subscribe to individually.
Acquisitions staff may batch load on order vendor records via the Load MARC Order Records interface. Cataloguing staff may batch load vendor records via MARC Batch Export/Import.
The following parameters should be used for the different types of records loaded in batch:
On Order Records for Acquisitions
Brief Records for Physical Items
Full Records for Physical Items
Full Records for e-resources
Please contact Co-op Support if you have e-resource records to load into Evergreen.
The BC Libraries Cooperative reserves the right to limit the number of bibliographic e-resource records to be loaded in batch into Sitka’s Evergreen.
Libraries should ensure the records that are being loaded are for resources relevant to their patrons and not simply because the record and resource is available. Bibliographic records take up space in the database and adding hundreds of thousands of records affects the services that can be offered and our hardware needs, which in turn affects the cost to use Sitka’s Evergreen.
If the total number of records for a new product will exceeed 50 000 records you MUST contact Co-op Support.
If your library is subscribing to a new product that includes MARC records for e-resources please confirm with the vendor how their records are updated. Some vendors supply update and deletion files while other vendors will send a full collection replacement file. Please submit a ticket to Co-op Support for loading, updating, or deleting. In your ticket please include who the vendor is and all information they have provided you with about the MARC files they supply.
Please contact Co-op Support if you have questions about batch loading.
Co-op Support can batch delete e-resource records when the vendor supplies a deletion file. If deletion files are not available from the vendor, records for e-resources the vendor no longer offers will remain in the Sitka catalogue unless individually removed by library staff. Instructions for removing e-resources individually can be found in Sitka’s Evergreen Documentation in the section called Deleting Holdings for Electronic Resources.
When investigating a new product please ask the vendor if they supply deletion files and if so ensure that they are included in your subscription.
Batch e-resource deletion is currently all done by Co-op Support. Please contact Co-op Support for assistance with e-resource batch deletions.